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Rebecca Hunt
Jun 5, 20221 min read
200 Miles For Travis
In 2020, the Irrational South 200 miler was Covid-cancelled, but four runners did it as a 'fat arse', and my friend Tim 'Bos' O'Brien was...

Rebecca Hunt
May 31, 20221 min read
Nick Muxlow - Get Run Fit
This episode of Tales From The Midpack features Nick Muxlow; an endurance athlete, experienced running coach and fitness expert, and all...

Rebecca Hunt
May 31, 20221 min read
Heysen 105 2019 - My First 100km
The Heysen 105 is another iconic ultra in South Australia. These days it's actually 115km and goes in the reverse direction, but in 2019...

Rebecca Hunt
May 31, 20221 min read
Hubert - Jen Ritossa (100M), Nancy Williams(100k), Lisa O'Keefe (50k), Rebecca Hunt (42.2k)
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack Jen Ritossa (100 miles), Nancy Williams (100km), Lisa O’Keeffe (50km), and myself (marathon)...

Rebecca Hunt
May 30, 20221 min read
Kate Sieber - Advice For Running 100 Miles
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack I talk with Kate Sieber in the lead up to the Hubert event in the Flinders Rangers. Kate is an...

Rebecca Hunt
May 24, 20221 min read
Beth Newman - 200 Miles
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack I talk with Beth Newman, who recently completed the Irrational South 200 miler ultra....

Rebecca Hunt
May 23, 20221 min read
Yurrebilla 56km Ultra 2019
Yurrebilla is an iconic ultra in South Australia, and one I had wanted to do for a long time. I volunteered at an aid station previously,...

Rebecca Hunt
May 23, 20221 min read
Andy DuBois - Ultra Coach
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack I catch up with highly respected ultra running coach Andy DuBois to hear his expert view on...

Rebecca Hunt
May 18, 20221 min read
Tash Sekulic - 200 Miles
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack I catch up with Tash Sekulic who ran 200 miles from Murray Bridge to Claire along The Lavender...

Rebecca Hunt
May 17, 20221 min read
Belinda Ryan, Vic Shaw, & Rebecca Hunt - Post Heysen
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack I catch up with Belinda Ryan to find out her first ultra marathon went, doing 57km in the...

Rebecca Hunt
May 16, 20221 min read
Belinda Ryan - Pre Heysen - Preparing For First Ultra
In this episode of Tales From The Midpack I talk with Belinda Ryan about her journey from park run to being about to embark on her first...

Rebecca Hunt
May 13, 20221 min read
My First Ultra
My first ultra happened fast. I had signed up for the Heysen 35km. At my run club, I was running with an experienced runner who knew me...
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