Tales From The Midpack is my trail running podcast I established in 2020. I love talking about running, and learning about running. I was also looking to learn a new skill and spend more time creating. This podcast enabled me to start giving back to the running community that has given me so much fun, friendship, and positivity.
This first episode is with Maria Naranjo. She is an incredibly experienced (and fast!) runner who suffered a hip fracture. She went through all the pain and rehab only to then fracture her other hip. A big journey with her physio, nutritionist, and coach followed to find answers to what was going on and get back her to the running she loved. Since this podcast she has recovered so well that she had a beautiful baby boy, and was able to run all the way through that pregnancy. She is back better than ever, still the same lovely Maria we all love. Check out the episode.
I hope you enjoy, Beck.

Show Notes:
Maria Naranjo - Hip Fractures - Patient's Perspective
Dr Amelia Pilichiewicz at Nutrition Strategies http://www.nutritionstrategies.com.au/dr-amelia-pilichiewicz/
Tales From The Midpack https://www.facebook.com/FromTheMidPack