I was back for my second 100km! The year in between Heysens was the most traumatic of my life. I went in to this even knowing I was significantly undertrained, but also believing I had developed the mental toughness to do it despite that. I'm still not sure why I felt I needed to prove that to myself, but that is how I felt at the time and I had fantastic, tough day.
I also have a pre Heysen 2020 interview on my podcast with a first time ultra runner here, and a post Heysen interview with runners from three distances here.
The Heysen 105, in its old direction, traversed the Heysen Trail from Newland Head to Rocky Creek Campground, winding its way through: Myponga Conservation Park Yulti Conservation Park Finniss Conservation Park Mount Magnificent Conservation Park Kyeema Conservation Park Kuitpo Forest.
Here is my video recap.
I hope you enjoy,