The Yurrebilla 56km has a long history in South Australia. This was my second time doing it as the event. I've also done it as an overnight run with a group, and most of it alone when it was Covid-cancelled in 2020. This year I did it as a training run to help prepare for they Heysen 105km. I couldn't even have imagined such a sentence coming out of my mouth, or fingertips here : ), a few years ago; I'm doing an ultra as a training run! Doing it as a training run did make it an even more fun day. I did hope to break 8hrs 30, but was 1:27 outside of that - so close!
Yurrebilla ultra marathon starts at Belair Railway Station and ends at Foxfield Oval. It winds its way through: Belair National Park Brownhill Creek Recreation Park Waite Conservation Reserve Cleland Conservation Park Horsnell Gully Conservation Park Norton Summit Morialta Conservation Park Black Hill Conservation Park.
Here is my video recap.
I hope you enjoy,